Tutorial: Columbia RHPS inspired tutorial

Today I have a tutorial for you. It is my first tutorial evah. It was already getting dark outside so the pictures aren't super amazing, but you know, shit happens. I was inspired by the makeup of Columbia from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I didn't want to go as extreme, but I was inspired by the colours which I really liked.

Let's go.


As always, use your favourite primer to prepare your eye. I used a primer by Maybelline, but can't remember the exact name. For this tutorial, I used the Naked 2 palette. First off, take a fluffy brush and mix the colours halfbaked and chopper and use it all over the arch. Don't worry, it is okay if it's messy.


Then use the colour blackout and pat it all over the lid. Once again, it's totally okay if it is messy, we're going to fix that in a bit.

Take the flufft brush and blend the black colour in with the gold.


Draw the eyeliner wing with your favourite eyeliner. I used Tattoo Me by Seventeen. Make sure the line is thick and then start colouring it in, adding more layers to the eyeliner as we want it to be extreme. Note, the last picture is not finished. You want it to be very black.

To finish it, add a black line underneath your waterline and perhaps the colour blackout underneath the eyes as well to make it even more extreme. Then add mascara, and you're done.

If you want to really finish it, use some extreme blush and red lipstick to complete the look:

Hope you enjoyed this look!

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